Providing Clients With Skilled Legal Representation to Fight Criminal Charges
No one ever wants to deal with being arrested and charged with a criminal offense. If you have been charged with a crime, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney who will act as a legal advocate. Defendants convicted of crimes can face an uphill battle in obtaining employment, holding, and obtaining professional licenses, and affecting immigration status.
The Hernandez Law Firm P.C. provides legal services for individuals accused of criminal offenses and will fight to ensure you are treated fairly.
If you have been charged with a crime, contact our Jackson criminal defense attorneys today to schedule a free consultation so we may evaluate your case professionally.
Why Do I Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney if I Have Been Charged With a Crime?
One of the most substantial benefits of hiring a defense attorney is safeguarding your legal rights and helping you avoid the repercussions of a criminal record. One of the first steps an experienced attorney will take when they agree to take your case is to evaluate the evidence the state has against you.
Based on the strengths and weaknesses of the case, your lawyer will work to create a solid defense strategy to help you protect your freedom and reputation.
Depending on the circumstances of the case, your attorney can argue that the charges should be dismissed or reduced or file legal motions asking that evidence be excluded, significantly weakening the state’s case.
They may also be able to negotiate with the prosecutor to try and reach a plea deal, which may include being sentenced to probation, diversion programs, or community service.
The Hernandez Law Firm P.C. is committed to aggressively defending our clients so they can resolve their legal issues and resume their lives. If you face criminal charges in Jackson Municipal Court or Ocean City Superior Court, contact our law offices today to schedule a free case evaluation so we may determine your legal options.
Will My Criminal Case Have to Go to Trial to be Resolved?
A common concern for defendants is whether their criminal case must go to trial to be resolved. Fortunately, most criminal cases do not need to go to trial. Experienced attorneys often argue that cases should be dismissed due to a lack of evidence or that evidence should be excluded.
Depending on the circumstances involved in the case, many other criminal matters are resolved through plea bargaining or defendants’ acceptance into diversion programs. First-time offenders are often eligible for pre-trial intervention programs that help them avoid convictions. However, first-time offenders are guaranteed admission into the program but only on the prosecutor’s recommendation.
Defense attorneys often work closely with prosecutors to help their clients be accepted into diversionary programs to help them avoid a criminal record.
The Hernandez Law Firm, P.C., is dedicated to helping clients facing criminal charges quickly resolve their legal needs. Our primary objective is to dismiss your charges so you can resume your life. If we agree to take your case, we will provide you with an aggressive defense custom-tailored to your legal needs.
What Type of Cases Do Your Defense Attorneys Handle for Clients?
The Hernandez Law Firm, P.C., handles various Jackson Township Municipal Court and Ocean County Superior Court cases. Our experienced attorneys have the skills to help clients win regardless of their legal needs.
Some of the most common types of cases that we handle include:
- DWI and DUI
- Drug Crimes
- Assault Crimes
- Shoplifting
- Vehicular Crimes
- Disorderly Person Offenses
- Burglary, Robbery, and Theft Crimes
Although in New Jersey, crimes such as DUI and shoplifting can carry lesser sentences, indictable offenses such as sexual assault can result in jail time or being sent to prison. Worrying about the consequences of being convicted of a criminal offense can result in significant stress and anxiety about what the future holds.
Our attorneys understand the legal complexities of criminal offenses and know what it takes to get results.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a skilled criminal defense attorney who can determine what legal strategies will help win your case.
Why Should I Trust Your Defense Attorneys to Defend Me Against Criminal Charges?
The Hernandez Law Firm P.C. has worked diligently to earn a proven reputation for winning criminal cases for clients in Jackson, New Jersey, and the surrounding community. We know that individuals often make poor choices or that law enforcement authorities do not always get it right.
Regardless of the situation, you must seek legal representation immediately if you or a loved one have been arrested and charged with a criminal offense. The sooner you consult an experienced criminal defense attorney, the sooner they can begin working on your case.
We have in-depth experience dealing with prosecutors in Jackson Township Municipal Court and Ocean County Superior Court and are fearless in advocating for our client’s rights.
Contact our law offices by calling (732) 582-5076 and ask to schedule a free consultation so we may thoroughly assess your case.